Taylormade M6 Vs. Cobra LTDx Driver Comparison & Review

It’s been just over three years since Taylormade released the M6 driver. In those three years, it seems like a lot has changed as far as golf club manufacturing. The same company even started making drivers that don’t use metal for the face construction at all.

While things may be different, it can be argued that they are not much better. We always like comparing older clubs to new ones as a measuring stick for how much manufacturing and design progress has actually been made. In that tradition, we present you with a comparison overview of the Cobra LTDx and Taylormade M6 drivers.

Taylormade M6 Driver Overview

Even after three years, the Taylormade M6 driver has some very impressive features.

First of all, one of the earliest iterations of the inertia generator houses a massive 46 gram weight that puts a bunch of mass and energy way far back in the head. Then the M6 driver has a carbon fiber sole to help balance out that weight.

The Taylormade M6 also has something called Speed resin which is an injection that essentially raises COR or Coefficient of Restitution. COR measures how much energy is lost when two objects collide with one another.

The COR of the M6 driver is effectively optimized with the Speed Resin so that more energy is transferred to the ball upon impact. It all sounds very impressive but what it means in a practical sense is that the M6 generates above-average ball speeds.

Cobra LTDx Driver Overview

The Cobra LTDx is the latest from Cobra and features front and back weighting.

Another way to generate ball speed is to reduce long-game spin and that’s exactly what the Cobra LTDx driver does. The front-oriented 19 gram weight all but kills spin while the multiple thickness zones of the CNC milled face effectively minimize side spin.

What you end up with is a surprisingly accurate driver that can be wielded effectively by players of all skill levels. While the M6 excels at producing straight shots, the Cobra LTDx is a bit more workable. Not a serviceable feature for high handicappers but skilled players will love this performance aspect.

At least in this case, the newer club is the better club. The Cobra LTDx does pretty much everything the M6 does (distance and accuracy) only better. It even launches higher so the Cobra LTDx driver definitely wins the day.

Cobra LTDx Driver

In 20 Words or Less

The Cobra LTDx driver features a cool combination of some of our favorite Cobra design elements as well as offering enhanced ball speeds.

Taylormade M6 Driver

In 20 Words Or Less

The Taylormade M6 does a little more of everything that the M4 driver does.

Cobra LTDx Driver – First Impressions

Needless to say, we were pretty excited to get our hands on this new Cobra driver.

And while it wasn’t quite what we were expecting, it still smacked of that same old Cobra innovation. We weren’t quite expecting the Cobra LTDx to be such a “game-improvement” driver. But the higher handicap testers in our group were pleasantly surprised. Plus, the Cobra LTDx isn’t the only release in this model…

The LTD Family

Included in this new line of LTD drivers is the LTDx LS and the LTDx Max. The LS has the most forward-positioned weight so as you can imagine, it has the lowest spin rates. Of course, that means detracting a bit from MOI so it is not quite as forgiving as the Cobra LTDx. But if max forgiveness is what you’re after then you should be looking at the LTDx Max. It produces the highest launch and has an extra rear-weight to increase forgiveness.

Taylormade M6 First Impressions

The Taylormade M6 certainly looks more intimidating than the M4at first glance but once you pick it up you can feel how light and wieldy it truly is.

The Taylormade M6 features a carbon sole to help offset the additional 46 grams of weight placed in the back of the head. It was very comfortable to swing and we got an instant boost in distance.

The M Family

The M6 is joined by, of course, the M4 and the M2. By comparison, the M2 is a bit lighter than the M6 but ultimately plays shorter.

Cobra LTDx Driver Selling Points

  • New H.O.T. face design
  • Carbon fiber composite sole
  • Titanium chassis
  • Front-back weighting
  • Low long-game spin
  • Medium launch angles

Taylormade M6 Selling Points

  • More carbon material than the M4
  • Feels lighter and more comfortable in the hands
  • Very high MOI
  • Generates consistent spin
  • Consistent launch angles and shot-shaping
  • It’s overall longer than the M4

Who is the Cobra LTDx Driver for?

With the Cobra LTDx driver, Cobra went straight down the middle of the road – and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

That phrase usually has a bad connotation attached to it for mediocrity but that is not what we mean here. The Cobra LTDx does a good job of straddling the line between forgiveness and fast ball speed. It features a new H.O.T. face which separates the face into 15 different sections. The 15 different sections represent different thicknesses to accommodate for common mis-hit areas.

It also features a titanium chassis that helps increase stability in the mid section without significantly increasing weight.

For beginners and high handicappers though, the real star of the show is the rear tungsten weighting. While we have to admit, this is a common and rather basic feature in game-improvement drivers, it still makes a low-spin driver more accessible to higher handicap players.

Distance: 94/100

Accuracy: 91/100

Forgiveness: 94/100

Feel & Control: 92/100

Overall Rating: 93/100

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Who is the Taylormade M6 for?

The Taylormade M6 would be a great choice for high to mid handicappers.

You get a good amount of distance and forgiveness help with the Taylormade M6 driver. The twist face does make it difficult to work. So just like with the M4 driver, the M6 is not an ideal choice for more seasoned players.

We also really like how the weight pulls your swing down ever so slightly to produce high launch. The extreme rear weight also helps distribute energy from your swing all over the face so you still get pretty impressive ball speed when you miss the sweet spot.

Distance: 95/100

Feel & Control: 92/100

Accuracy: 94/100

Forgiveness: 95/100

Overall Score: 94/100

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