Callaway Epic Speed Vs. Cobra LTDx Driver Comparison & Review

Technology has touched nearly every part of our lives. You can’t even escape technology on the golf course. From super-advanced launch monitors to golf GPS devices, technology has made an indelible imprint on the sport of golf.

Callaway pioneered the use of AI for constructing highly optimized golf club faces. And now in 2022, Cobra has followed suit with the advanced topology of their Cobra LTDx driver faces. So we put it up against the classic Epic Speed driver to see which one utilizes this technology more effectively.

Callaway Epic Speed Driver Overview

The Callaway Supercomputer helped develop the SS21 Flash Face that adorns the Callaway Epic Speed driver.

The Epic Speed driver’s face is made from titanium which isn’t the most responsive metal but it is nothing if not resilient. Callaway used AI assistance to mill the face in areas to promote faster ball speeds which is the overall emphasis of this driver.

Indeed, the combination of the flexing titanium face, the carbon crown and sole panel and the aerodynamic design make for a fast driver. In fact, according to our launch monitor, the Epic Speed was producing faster ball speeds than the Cobra LTDx driver.

That’s pretty much where the advantages ended though. While the Epic Speed was faster, it was also much more erratic and unpredictable. Side spin was also left almost unchecked.

Cobra LTDx Driver Overview

The Cobra LTDx driver was milled according to 15 different thickness zones in order to optimize performance across the face.

For example, higher on the face produces less spin while topping the ball would produce more loft than usual. This was an exceptionally crafted face that even enhanced ball speed out near the toe and in near the heel.

While the Cobra LTDx driver didn’t produce overall ball speeds like the Epic Speed did, it was much more forgiving, controllable and easier to work. The Cobra LTDx driver was also longer than the Epic Speed on average. It produced average drives of 233 yards.

According to our launch monitor, most of that extra distance came from dramatically reduced spin off the tee.

Callaway certainly outdid themselves with the Epic Speed in terms of ball speed. But the milled face of the Cobra LTDx driver does so much more for golfers. The Cobra LTDx is workable, forgiving and a must-try driver for 2022.

Cobra LTDx Driver

In 20 Words or Less

The Cobra LTDx driver features a cool combination of some of our favorite Cobra design elements as well as offering enhanced ball speeds.

Callaway Epic Speed Drivers

In 20 Words Or Less

The Epic Speed driver is all about creating distance. It can help with all things speed including swing speed.

Cobra LTDx Driver – First Impressions

Needless to say, we were pretty excited to get our hands on this new Cobra driver.

And while it wasn’t quite what we were expecting, it still smacked of that same old Cobra innovation. We weren’t quite expecting the Cobra LTDx to be such a “game-improvement” driver. But the higher handicap testers in our group were pleasantly surprised. Plus, the Cobra LTDx isn’t the only release in this model…

The LTD Family

Included in this new line of LTD drivers is the LTDx LS and the LTDx Max. The LS has the most forward-positioned weight so as you can imagine, it has the lowest spin rates. Of course, that means detracting a bit from MOI so it is not quite as forgiving as the Cobra LTDx. But if max forgiveness is what you’re after then you should be looking at the LTDx Max. It produces the highest launch and has an extra rear-weight to increase forgiveness.

Callaway Epic Speed Driver – First Impressions

The Callaway Epic Speed driver has a unique design but we were a bit bummed to see that it is the only driver in the Epic family to not have an adjustable weight.

Still, the Epic Speed wasn’t really built for shot shaping. It produces very long & hopefully straight shots and is plenty forgiving with the Flash Face design.

Just don’t expect exceptional accuracy with it.

The driver is great at producing club speed, ball speed and distance. The lower spin rates allow for shots that move left to right less and less.

If you are not consistent with your swing, you would be better off going with the Max range as the speed may be prone to slicing for some.

The Epic Family

The Epic Speed is accompanied by the Epic Max and the Epic Max LS.

Both the Max and Max LS have adjustable weights (16 grams in the former and 13 in the latter). As you can imagine, the Epic Max is the most forgiving in the family.

Cobra LTDx Driver Selling Points

  • New H.O.T. face design
  • Carbon fiber composite sole
  • Titanium chassis
  • Front-back weighting
  • Low long-game spin
  • Medium launch angles

Callaway Epic Speed Selling Points

  • Cyclone Aero head shape
  • Triaxial carbon crown
  • Adjustable hosel
  • Redesigned Jailbreak bars
  • Latest Flash Face version
  • A.I. design

Who is the Cobra LTDx Driver for?

With the Cobra LTDx driver, Cobra went straight down the middle of the road – and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

That phrase usually has a bad connotation attached to it for mediocrity but that is not what we mean here. The Cobra LTDx does a good job of straddling the line between forgiveness and fast ball speed. It features a new H.O.T. face which separates the face into 15 different sections. The 15 different sections represent different thicknesses to accommodate for common mis-hit areas.

It also features a titanium chassis that helps increase stability in the mid section without significantly increasing weight.

For beginners and high handicappers though, the real star of the show is the rear tungsten weighting. While we have to admit, this is a common and rather basic feature in game-improvement drivers, it still makes a low-spin driver more accessible to higher handicap players.

Distance: 94/100

Accuracy: 91/100

Forgiveness: 94/100

Feel & Control: 92/100

Overall Rating: 93/100

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Callaway Epic Speed – Who are they for?

The Callaway Epic Speed driver would be great for anyone who needs some help with their swing speed and is interested purely in distance.

The Epic Speed driver doesn’t offer much in the way of workability but then again, it wasn’t designed for that.

If you are looking for straight shots that fly farther, the Epic Speed would be a solid choice.

The head was designed with a relatively flat crown to decrease drag so this driver might even be able to help you up your swing speed.

It doesn’t produce a ton of spin off the tee but there is still some.

Epic Family

The Epic Max and Max LS are packing a lot of the same technology as the Epic Speed but are more centered around forgiveness, slice elimination and straight, higher launching, more consistent shots.

The Max is super forgiving and the Max LS is a low spin version, aimed at straight shots for slicers and hookers.

The Epic Speed is built simply for distance and straightness.

Distance: 97/10

Accuracy: 93/100

Forgiveness: 92/100

Feel & Control: 91/100

Overall Rating: 94/100

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