Skytrak Vs. GCQuad Golf Launch Monitors Comparison Overview
Foresight Sports and Skytrak have been dominating the golf launch monitor market over the last several years and golfers seem divided as to which company offers the best device. Foresight has put out renowned models like the GC 2 golf launch monitor.
Now, with the GCQuad, they have stepped up their game considerably. So how does the latest and greatest model from Foresight Sports stack up with the Skytrak system? Find out in the following comparison.
Skytrak Overview
One of the cool things about the Skytrak launch monitor is that it can be loaded up with 3rd party software.
This means you have a lot of choices as far as simulation software goes. You can use the Skytrak with E6 Connect, Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf and other apps for an almost endless variety of simulated courses and skill-sharpening games.
The Skytrak system uses high-speed cameras to capture your shot at point of impact. As such, it can give readings on distance, ball speed, launch angle, side spin and spin rate. It also calculates club data such as dispersion, angle tendencies, shot shape tendencies and gap information.
The Skytrak launch monitor can be used both indoors and outdoors. However, you should know that sunlight can mess with the cameras and make the readings less accurate. The Skytrak was much more reliable indoors.
GCQuad Overview
The GCQuad is significantly more expensive than the Skytrak system but right off the bat, you should know that it’s incredibly accurate.
And when we say “incredibly accurate” we mean both indoors and outdoors. We found the GCQuad to be accurate to within 1 yard on distance readings and within 2 MPH on ball speed readings.
While the software compatibility is more limited than the Skytrak, the GCQuad is undoubtedly the more accurate device.
Another nice feature is the onboard display which will instantly show you certain shot metrics after every swing. Your practice data can be saved to the cloud for archiving and review as well.
The GCQuad can read horizontal club path, club head speed, dynamic loft, smash factor, impact location, lie, ball speed, carry, closure rate, total distance and more. On simulations, the GCQuad can even account for barometric pressure.
The GCQuad would be better if you are really trying to fine-tune your game. The Skytrak is fun and there are a lot of software options; but we would reserve it for more casual players.
Skytrak in 20 Words or Less
In 20 Words Or Less
The Skytrak is a more basic launch monitor/simulator that may be more intuitive for recreational players.
GC Quad in 20 Words or Less
In 20 Words Or Less
The GC Quad is a versatile and extremely accurate golf launch monitor with a good degree of convenience as well.
Skytrak First Impressions
The Skytrak also sets up wirelessly so it was convenient to use indoors.
We don’t like wire management so it was nice that the Skytrak sets up without any USB cables or anything. The long-game accuracy was good but short-game accuracy suffered a bit.
Key Features
The Skytrak uses photometric technology to give shot readings.
The good thing about the use of cameras as opposed to radar is that it maintains its accuracy outdoors. The Skytrak gives you only one real swing metric and that;s club head speed.
Still, it provides launch degree, side spin rates, apex height, carry distance, roll distance and of course, total distance.
The Skytrak also simulates courses nicely on your tablet or laptop.
With fewer metrics, it’s a bit hard to reconcile the fact that the Skytrak costs as much as the Mevo Plus.
GC Quad First Impressions
The GC Quad first struck us for its unique design.
This thing looks like a sci-fi device of some kind but later on, what we were more taken with was the convenience and portability.
Key Features
The GC Quad has 4 main modes that include play, compete and improve modes.
The GC Quad relies on 4 quadrascopic cameras to accurately capture your club head and the ball at point of impact. It also has an onboard display so you can see instant shot readings.
The GC Quad can also be used outdoors so long as the weather isn’t too bad. You can also save your shot data to the cloud and review it at your leisure.
The simulator mode allows you to play world-renowned courses like Pebble Beach where you can see real-life conditions like wind speed, elevation and more.
The GC Quad is best-played with a projector setup.
Skytrak Selling Points
- Weather settings
- Portable
- Side angle readings
- Wireless setup
- Photometric readings
GC Quad Selling Points
- Indoor/outdoor use
- 4 on-board cameras
- On-board display
- Multiple skill challenges
Who is Skytrak for?
The Skytrak is more for recreational use or players who just want to have fun with challenge games and course simulations.
Still, it provides all the necessary data that average golfers need to improve different aspects of their game.
- It rivals the accuracy of much more expensive launch monitors
- The simulated renderings of famous courses looks really nice
- The wireless connection is reliable
- You can archive your shot data and review it whenever you want
- Fewer shot metrics than the Mevo Plus
- It can take between 5 and 7 seconds to pull up shout metrics
Overall Score: 94/100
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Who is the GC Quad for?
The GC Quad would be best-suited to low handicap players who are looking for acute accuracy and detailed shot metrics.
It would also be a good choice for anyone who likes to get outdoors and have detailed practice sessions.
- Provides wide shot pickup range
- It can be set up relatively easily
- You can use it outdoors and have data displayed right on the screen
- Metrics include horizontal club path, club head speed, dynamic loft, smash factor, impact location, lie, ball speed, carry, closure rate and total distance
- Not a lot of options in terms of software
- The battery life isn’t very good